Secondary education in Czech Republic

Educational Programs
Secondary education in Czech Republic

Company EuroEducation is an educational program designed for graduates of 9 classes who want a full secondary education in the Czech Republic. The main objective of the program is to enroll in school in the Czech Republic, the Czech language and the most high-quality training to further enter the Czech universities.

Due to the fact that education in the Czech secondary schools lasts for 13 years after the 9th grade school leavers from the CIS is necessary to study in the Czech secondary schools for another 4 years.

Finishing Czech gymnasium offers certain advantages for those who decided in the future to stay in the Czech Republic and to continue their education:

Our company offers education in Brno:

All educational institutions accredited by the Czech Ministry of Education as a private secondary institutions, and provides an excellent base for further studies in the universities of the Czech Republic. Due to the relatively small number of students, a warm family atmosphere and the teachers have time to give the necessary attention to each student.

Institutions offer training in areas:

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The cost of a secondary education program in the Czech Republic is 91 400 CZK (3 730 €), the beginning of the program is at 01.09.2024.

What is included into price?

The cost of further education is 45,000 CZK (1836 €) for the year (2nd - 4th year).

What is included in the cost of further education:


Admission to the program until 11.11.2023.

Hady Gymnasium - Secondary education in Czech Republic

How to get to the gymnasium?

1. Fill in the questionare and get access to Personal Account.

2. Make a deposit for group and dormitory reservation.

3. Apply for a Visaу.

4. Come, we will meet you!

© EuroEducation, 16.04.2015
Update: 17.10.2016

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