EducationAdditional servicesMedical Insurance in Czech Reoublic
You can buy health insurance, you need to open a Czech visa and stay in the Czech Republic. We offer our clients insurance VZP Czech insurance company in case of necessity and urgency of care.
Why do I need health insurance for foreigners?

Why to use an insurance company VZP?

What includes into health insurance for foreigners?

The cost of health insurance for students 15-26 years of age:
VZP комплекс для студентов 15 - 26 лет
VZP комплекс:
Срок | Стоимость CZK | EUR (примерно) | |
6 месяцев | 9100 | 364 | Заказать... |
10 месяцев | 15000 | 600 | Заказать... |
11 месяцев | 16100 | 644 | Заказать... |
12 месяцев | 16410 | 656 | Заказать... |
24 месяцев | 34000 | 1360 | Заказать... |
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